Wednesday, April 29, 2009

It's not 'murder', it's 'harsh involuntary liquidation'

If an agency within the U.S. military was willing to call interrogation techniques like waterboarding "torture" back in 2002, and if the International Committee of the Red Cross -- tasked under the Geneva Conventions with verifying prisoners of war are treated humanely -- calls such techniques torture, and if Japanese soldiers were sentenced to death for using such techniques against U.S. soldiers, then why the hell are journalists at The Washington Post still describing such techniques (when used by the American government) as merely "harsh tactics"?
And how can a 1,400 word piece dealing with the interrogation and imprisonment of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed -- during which he "was put through a routine in which he was deprived of sleep, doused with cold water and had his head repeatedly slammed into a plywood wall, according to the report. The interrogation also included days of extensive waterboarding, a technique that simulates drowning." -- fail to use the word "torture" once?

Any takers?

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