Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
'The End of Loser Liberalism' and the myth of the free market
(This is the extended, Director's Cut edition of my review published by Inter Press Service)
The top 1 percent of earners in the United States now control more than 40 percent of the nation's wealth, their income steadily rising at the same time most of the country now takes home less pay than a decade ago, with an all-time high of 46 million Americans now living below the official poverty line.
The top 1 percent of earners in the United States now control more than 40 percent of the nation's wealth, their income steadily rising at the same time most of the country now takes home less pay than a decade ago, with an all-time high of 46 million Americans now living below the official poverty line.
To many on the
right, this trend is the natural consequence of market forces, of
freedom and free enterprise rewarding the more productive members of
society. Many on the left also hold free markets responsible for the
expanding gap between rich and poor and the global economic meltdown
that accelerated it, arguing for a more interventionist role by the
state to promote stability and arrest the growth in inequality.
as economist Dean Baker observes in his latest book, The
End of Loser Liberalism: Making Markets Progressive,
the truth is that those on both sides of the political spectrum who
assert that the U.S. economy is based on free markets are
fundamentally mistaken. Markets in the U.S. have never been free of
state intervention. Rather, that which we call the “free market”
has in fact been fixed, consciously designed to redistribute wealth
from the working class to the idle rich, from patents that allow
pharmaceutical giants to reap monopoly profits to restrictions on
labor that neuter the ability of Americans to organize and demand
better compensation.
If critics of the corporatist status quo want to quit losing policy
debates, argues Baker, it's time they started accurately describing
the system they're up against and quit debating on its apologists'
“In reality,” writes Baker,
co-director of the progressive Center for Economic and Policy
Research in Washington, DC,
“the vast majority of the right does not give a damn about free
markets; it just wants to redistribute income upward.” Though
cloaking their language in the rhetoric of liberty, conservative
politicians – both Democrat and Republican, from Bill Clinton to
George W. Bush – have in fact crafted an economic system based on
coercion and dependent on state-granted corporate privilege.
course, they can't just say that, so they couch their rhetoric in
terms of the American Dream, of hard work and ingenuity being rightly
rewarded with prosperity. But
politicians in Washington professing their allegiance to free markets
should be no more believed than when they profess their devotion to
Unfortunately, critics of a system crafted by and for the rich have
accepted the “free market” framing of its defenders, which is why
Baker posits the left has been losing the policy debate in recent
decades. All too often, liberals have accepted the increased
concentration of wealth as the natural result of free enterprise; if
their opponents have any fault, then, it's that they have too much
faith in people being left to conduct their own affairs free of
intervention by the state. That, Baker maintains, is far too easy on
politicians whose only allegiance is not to the principles of the
free market, but the principal of the rich.
And blaming free markets for inequality and economic catastrophe in
America is not only factually flawed, writes Baker, “it makes for
horrible politics.” Accepting the right's framing of the debate
allows conservatives to cast themselves as defenders of “productive”
Americans who live in bigger houses than the rest of us because they
worked harder, enabling the left to be “portrayed as wanting to tax
the winners in society in order to reward the losers.”
Instead of devoting so much time to taxing the rich, Baker maintains
the left would be better off striking at the root and attacking the
state privileges that enrich them in the first place. Instead of
allowing the right to masquerade as defenders of limited government,
the left ought to reveal conservatives as the true proponents of
massive state intervention in the economy.
Consider the debate over deregulation.
A common liberal critique is that the repeal of the Great
Depression-era Glass-Steagall Act, enabling commercial banks to jump
into investment banking, was an example of laissez faire ideology run
amok, a move that led directly to the financial crisis of 2008. The
truth, though, is that the repeal of the act didn't actually minimize
state intervention in the economy at all. On the contrary, it only
increased the state's role in shaping market outcomes, extending
the deposit insurance the federal government provides commercial
banks to the investment firms that could now operate under the same
roof, providing a taxpayer-funded subsidy to risky investments and
exotic financial instruments.
Proponents of
“deregulation” in the 1990s were in truth the real advocates of
Big Government. So why isn't the left saying that?
also details how, under the watch of alleged free marketeer Alan
Greenspan, the Federal Reserve – the very existence of which is at
odds with a free market –
pumped the economy
full of cheap credit, fueling reduced lending standards and the
creation of exotic financial instruments by banks confident that,
should times turn sour, their allies at the Fed would refuse to let
them fail.
the Fed itself was from its founding in 1913 “deliberately
designed to insulate it from democratic control and leave it instead
to be a tool of the financial industry.” The
problem was never a lack of regulation or state involvement in the
economy, observes Baker, it was for whom those regulations and
interventions served.
If Baker's assessment of the U.S. economy sounds radical to the
liberal ear, his statement that, in general, “Progressives should
want a free market,” probably seems heretical. But in most cases,
he maintains, government intervention not only does not provide a
check on the concentration of wealth and the rise of monopolies, but
in fact is the underlying cause for the increasing gap between rich
and poor. Be it overly restrictive licensing schemes that limit
competition in the medical and legal professions, resulting in much
higher salaries than would be possible in a free market, to labor
laws that hinder organizing and prohibit unions from engaging in
sympathy boycotts and other effective negotiating tactics, the
overwhelming effect of government intervention is to make the wealthy
elite wealthier.
the very corporations held up as the pinnacles of success in a free
society “do not exist in the natural world or in the free market,”
Baker notes, their very existence owed to an act of government that,
thanks to the doctrine of corporate personhood, enables executives to
evade legal and financial responsibility for poisoned rivers and
fraudulent mortgages – and to avoid answering to shareholders who
are ostensibly their bosses.
The rise in health care costs in America is also largely due, not to
market forces, but state interventions, notes Baker. For example,
Baker writes that Americans currently spend around $300 billion a
year – or 2 percent of the U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) – on
prescription drugs. In a competitive market free from
monopoly-granting patents, that figure would be closer to $30
difference of $270 billion a year is more than five times as large as
the annual cost of President Bush's tax cuts for the wealthiest 2
percent of the population,” Baker writes, the same inflated costs
applying to patented medical equipment. Yet, despite even the
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) noting
that “intellectual property” is the single greatest factor when
it comes to redistributing wealth from the lower to upper classes, it
receives nowhere near the attention that tax policy does from the
End of Loser Liberalism
demonstrates that what the left and right have come to call the “free
market” is in fact an economy fixed by the wealthy and their allies
in government to redistribute wealth from the bottom to the top of
the economic pyramid. Contrary to conventional wisdom, Baker shows
time and again a true free market would actually lead to more
progressive outcomes and that there's nothing corporate America fears
more than unbridled competition – and no institution it's more
dependent on than the U.S. government.
Many liberals and progressives have been conditioned to view the
state as the public's last best defense against corporate power; what
Baker shows is that it is more often than not its chief enabler. But
while his assessment is radical, his solutions are reformist –
perhaps overly so. And if Baker's to be faulted, it's for thinking
too much like an economist than a progressive visionary.
That is to say, while Baker ably demonstrates the many ways state
interventions in the economy are designed to enrich the wealthy, he
never fully articulates his vision of a what a more progressive
economy would look like, so when he advocates a major government
stimulus to reboot the American economy, the reader is left to
wonder: absent radical reform, what's really the point? Sure people
need money, and perhaps direct payments from the state would be more
“loser liberalism” and syndicalism too radical for the time
being, but if stimulus money is only going to help reboot the same
crony capitalist economy as before, with its fixed wages and
debt-based consumerism, will short-term reductions in unemployment
come at the expense of more fundamental – and necessary – reform?
Some of Baker's other ideas also aren't likely to help liberals beat
the “big government” rap and shift the terms of the debate,
either. Providing every American a $100 voucher to give to an artist
of their choosing could conceivably undercut the power of
copyright-dependent media conglomerates, for instance, but's it's
hard to imagine a GOP Congress approving of tax dollars going to any
artist more radical than Norman Rockwell, much less Anarcho-Vegans
Against War. In effect, the proposal could very well encourage bland,
politically advantageous conformity in the art world at the cost of
unpopular dissent. Taking on excessive and draconian intellectual
property laws head-on would seem to be both politically more
attractive, bringing on board both leftists and libertarians, and
less likely to subject the art world to greater political
Providing businesses incentives to hire more workers at shorter
hours, meanwhile, might reduce unemployment. And Baker's likely right
that a shorter work week would be closer to what would occur on a
true free market, where tax codes tying health care to employment and
labor laws undercutting worker bargaining positions would no longer
conspire to force Americans to work longer hours with less time off
than their counterparts in Europe. But even so, mandating a shorter
work week is bound to be attacked by conservatives as liberal social
engineering, a left-wing war against “hard work.” If the goal is
to paint conservatives as advocates of state power in the service of
the wealthy, why not focus instead on changing the manipulative tax
codes and big government restrictions on labor?
the American left is to capture the public's imagination, it will
ultimately need to put forward a broader, more holistic and
compelling vision of society than that offered by their opponents on
the right, one based more on consensus and cooperation than
corporations and coercion. That vision, while hinted it, isn't
detailed in The
End of Loser Liberalism.
But that's a rather minor quibble. Before it can achieve radical
social change, the left needs to radically change its rhetoric and
quit debating on the right's terms. And if leftists wants to quit
losing to conservatives, they would do well to start listening to
Dean Baker.
End of Loser Liberalism: Making Markets Progressive” is available
as a free download on
the website of the Center for Economic and Policy Research.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
The wrong side of history
Then and there:
President Obama calls Iranian martyr Neda's death 'heartbreaking'
Obama said he had watched the graphic Internet video of the death of Neda Soltan, which has turned the 26-year-old student into a global symbol of the pro-democracy protests.
"While this loss is raw and extraordinarily painful, we also know this: those who stand up for justice are always on the right side of history," Obama said.Here and now:
White House Declines Comment on Troy Davis Case
“Dating back to his time in the Illinois State Senate, President Obama has worked to ensure accuracy and fairness in the criminal justice system – especially in capital punishment cases,” said White House Press Secretary Jay Carney. “However, it is not appropriate for the President of the United States to weigh in on specific cases like this one, which is a state prosecution."Update: And let's not forget this:
Obama says Bradley Manning "broke the law"
Though Manning has yet to stand trial, Mr. Obama asserted yesterday that he is guilty.
"If you're in the military, and -- I have to abide by certain classified information," Mr. Obama explained to a supporter. "If I was to release stuff, information that I'm not authorized to release, I'm breaking the law. We're a nation of laws. We don't individually make our own decisions about how the laws operate... He broke the law."
Monday, September 19, 2011
Putting drug company profits over people
Apparently the United States' "Responsibility to Protect" poor innocent people wherever they may live is limited to bombing and occupying their countries. Sacrificing some of the pharmaceutical industry's billions of dollars in profits so that poor innocent people wherever they may live may . . . live? Ha!
From The New York Times:
(via Chase Madar)
From The New York Times:
[G]eneric drug companies say they are on the verge of selling cheaper copies of such huge sellers as Herceptin for breast cancer, Avastin for colon cancer, Rituxan for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and Enbrel for rheumatoid arthritis. Their entry into the market in the next year — made possible by hundreds of millions of dollars invested in biotechnology plants — could not only transform the care of patients in much of the world but also ignite a counterattack by major pharmaceutical companies and diplomats from richer countries.
Already, the Obama administration has been trying to stop an effort by poorer nations to strike a new international bargain that would allow them to get around patent rights and import cheaper Indian and Chinese knock-off drugs for cancer and other diseases, as they did to fight AIDS. The debate turns on whether diseases like cancer can be characterized as emergencies, or “epidemics.”
Rich nations and the pharmaceutical industry agreed 10 years ago to give up patent rights and the profits that come with them in the face of an AIDS pandemic that threatened to depopulate much of Africa, but they see deaths from cancer, diabetes and other noncommunicable diseases as less of an emergency and, in some cases, the inevitable consequence of better and longer living.The inevitable consequence of putting patents and the monopoly profits they secure politically influential pharmaceutical companies over the interests of cancer-stricken patients is that many people will die preventable deaths. And Ronald Reagan's generic knockoff is cool with that. But hey, we all gotta go some time. It's inevitable, ya know
(via Chase Madar)
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Blogging our way to social transformation (or: How to change the world)
How do we get from here to there? That
is, how do those of us who preach the virtues of neighborhood solidarity
and mutual aid propose transitioning from a world where people tend
to live atomistically and rely on government programs for support in times of misfortune to a society where people can lean on those in their our community?
It's a tough question and one posed by
a recent post from Jim Henley pointing out some of the problems with
conservatives who argue private charities can fill the void for
social welfare programs they – and many Democrats, don't forget –
would like to slash. However much we would it not to be so, charities today lack the capacity
to deal with the problems of poverty and inadequate health care
currently besetting a nation of 300 million.
The chief problem with conservatives
appealing to voluntarism and making the let-them-rely-on-charity argument is that those on the
right would by and large only like to cut those aspects of government
that, however modestly, actually help people, while at the same time
keeping intact the multitude of state-granted corporate privileges,
from patent monopolies to corporate personhood, that
impoverishes them.
Those of us on the more radical end of
the spectrum don't have that problem. When we speak of a post-welfare
state society, we're not imagining the status quo minus the social
safety net, but rather a world where intellectual property doesn't
exist, the corporation doesn't exist, and where private property
isn't a sacrosanct right that entitles one person to exploit natural
resources for their own personal gain while those around them are mired in poverty.
If I had to quibble with Henley's post
– and this is the Internet, so I must – it would be his
suggestion that left-libertarians and anarchists have any desire to
form an “anti-welfare state coalition” with those on the right whose idea of a more perfect society is the status quo but with Bill Gates at the helm. An
anti-warfare state coalition?
Sure, by all means: let's invite all the conservatives and liberals
and libertarians who oppose empire out to the next anti-war rally.
But no anti-state leftists I know are interested in slashing the
social safety, at least not until after we're done smashing corporate
Oh, but we radicals have a problem of
our own, let's not kid ourselves: our ideal society largely exists in
our imagination. And though our radicalism gives us more street cred,
how the hell do we institute the more radical change that we seek?
I certainly wish I had an easy answer to that.
While I'll admit to some residual fondness for pointless third party
runs, I don't think electoral politics is the way to go, and I
certainly don't think there's much hope in reforming either the
Democratic or, clearly, the Republican Party. I'm not in the business of
condemning people as sinners if they do participate -- partisan cheerleading is a different story -- as our options suck
and people are often at a loss of what else to do. I just think the time and resources that go into elections could be put to better use actually building the institutions of the world we'd like to live in.
So far, what I've got is essentially
living one's life as an example to others. Reject violence, including
in your language. Volunteer. Build up the organizations you'd like to
see fill the void left by slashed government social programs. Turn
your back on materialism and live frugally. Basically, be the person
you would like to see more of in society. What we need isn't some
anarchist political revolution, we need an anarchist social
revolution: we need a society of
anarchists. Help make them.
it take a long time? Absolutely. But reducing coercion in our society
is a worthy goal that, however much it might seem hopeless and as
fruitful as tilting at windmills sometimes, is something worth
pursuing in and of itself. I agree with Henley that American culture
as it exists right now isn't terribly conducive to an anarchist,
consensus-based society. But I would counter that, with bipartisan
agreement that the social safety net needs to be slashed, it isn't
conducive to social democracy either, so if we're playing the
who's-more-realistic game, I'd call a draw.
For a
long time, the institution of slavery was held up as just and right,
as something that, because it had been around for thousands of years,
was the fruit of inalterable Human Nature that wouldn't be going
anywhere anytime soon, hippie. Abolitionists were pretty much the silly, limp-wristed idealists of their
day. But, slowly, opinion began to change. And while we still have
plenty of repression in our society, people no longer leap to the
defense of the outright enslavement of other human beings.
transformation is long, arduous process. But the same change in opinion that took
place with slavery can, I believe, take place with how a society views the use of
violence and voluntary communalism; the hierarchies and coercion accepted as normal today need
not, and I trust will not, be accepted as such forever. For now, the
task of the radical is to educate people on the evils of violence, be it perpetrated by individuals or states, and the benefits of cooperation. More important than evangelism, though, is to live life in the manner you would like others to live; people tend to respond better to actions than sermons.
Transforming society will take time but, at the risk of provoking groans, anything worth fighting for usually does. And I haven't heard any better ideas.
UPDATE: Some liberals really don't like it when you suggest that, perhaps, electing more and better Democrats isn't the best or only way to affect radical social change. Here's how American Prospect writer Jamelle Bouie interprets this piece:
At least I know they're reading.
UPDATE: Some liberals really don't like it when you suggest that, perhaps, electing more and better Democrats isn't the best or only way to affect radical social change. Here's how American Prospect writer Jamelle Bouie interprets this piece:
At least I know they're reading.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Oh, to be a pundit
I've always been a bit confused as to whether I ought to view the Tea Party as the over-hyped creation of a self-interested corporate media, as I'm inclined to do, or a serious threat to Democracy that requires forgiving Obama and the Democrats their many sins lest fascism come to America wrapped in a Gadsden flag and carrying Glenn Beck's latest manifesto.
You're probably just as confused as me if you've been reading liberal columnist E.J. Dionne, who like much of the left-leaning (for international readers: right-leaning) blogosphere can't seem to decide whether to be mildly amused by the reactionary movement or to wet his pants. If you haven't been exposed to Dionne's thoughts on the matter, well, good for you. But if you're interested, here's a quick collection on what the Washington Post pundit -- who, while probably not the worst offender out there, actually gets paid for this stuff so I'm going to go ahead and pick on him -- has written about the totally fake but serious fascist threat that's yesterday's news but oh no they're back and they're carrying dynamite Tea Party:
"The Tea Party: Populism of the privileged":
Any questions before the quiz?
My two cents: Politicians would have pursued the same policies, "Tea Party" or not. But the existence of the faux-mass movement, hyped by its corporate media partners, allows Democrats and Republicans alike to justify their actions by pointing to a form of populism that, in truth, isn't all that popular.
You're probably just as confused as me if you've been reading liberal columnist E.J. Dionne, who like much of the left-leaning (for international readers: right-leaning) blogosphere can't seem to decide whether to be mildly amused by the reactionary movement or to wet his pants. If you haven't been exposed to Dionne's thoughts on the matter, well, good for you. But if you're interested, here's a quick collection on what the Washington Post pundit -- who, while probably not the worst offender out there, actually gets paid for this stuff so I'm going to go ahead and pick on him -- has written about the totally fake but serious fascist threat that's yesterday's news but oh no they're back and they're carrying dynamite Tea Party:
"The Tea Party: Populism of the privileged":
"The Tea Party is nothing new. It represents a relatively small minority of Americans on the right end of politics, and it will not determine the outcome of the 2010 elections."The Tea Party is winning":
In fact, both major parties stand to lose if they accept the laughable notion that this media-created protest movement is the voice of true populism."
"No matter how much liberals may poke fun at them, Tea Party partisans can claim victory in fundamentally altering the country's dialogue.""The Tea Party Is Yesterday's News":
"From the beginning, too many Republicans (and too many in the media) saw the tea party as a broadly based movement whose extreme anti-government views reflected the popular will.
This was never true. The tea party consisted of citizens on the right end of politics who were always there but got angrier and better-organized after Obama was elected.""Get the tea party away from that fuse — now":
"The tea party’s followers have endangered the nation’s credit rating and the GOP by pushing both House Speaker John Boehner and Majority Leader Eric Cantor away from their own best instincts."To recap: The Tea Party is a media creation with no popular support; the Tea Party has fundamentally changed political discussion in the U.S.; the Tea Party is over and done with and, again, has no popular support; and the Tea Party is back, has so much support it can dictate the actions of GOP leaders, and it's threatening to blow up America.
Any questions before the quiz?
My two cents: Politicians would have pursued the same policies, "Tea Party" or not. But the existence of the faux-mass movement, hyped by its corporate media partners, allows Democrats and Republicans alike to justify their actions by pointing to a form of populism that, in truth, isn't all that popular.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Is the mandate really the only answer?
Offer me a choice between a corporatist
or socialist government health care system and I'll gladly take the
latter. Within the confines of acceptable Washington discourse, we're
not debating whether the state should intervene in the health care
market and whether it that will cause more harm than good, but what
form that massive intervention should take; should it be marginally
more beneficial to the poor or to corporations. And though far from
my ideal though the current system may be, I'll take it with the few
scraps we call a safety net rather than without.
The persons that line the road to my
anarchist paradise aren't those living on the margins of society,
after all, but the corporations largely responsible for the stagnant
wages that put them there.
Unfortunately, the health care
reform bill signed into law by President Obama doesn't strike me as a
marginal improvement of an awful status quo, but rather a significant
step toward further entrenching the corporate health care model
that's created the awful situation the reform was purported to
address. For that reason, I'm not buying our old friend Matt
Yglesias' claim that, in order to deal with a hypothetical
“30-year-old man with a decent job [who] decides to go without
health insurance” and ends up falling into a coma, the only real option
available to us is to mandate that he have purchased private
health insurance, as required by
the latest health care reform.
arrives at this conclusion by labeling discussion of why the costs of the status quo might force
a 30-year-old man with a good job to forgo any sort of health
coverage side-stepping "nonsense." Indeed,
Yglesias rather ludicrously dismisses the question of cost with the
headline to his piece: “Should
We Let People Die If Unrelated Government Policies Tend To Drive Up
The Costs Of Health Care?” When you call any health care reform other than
an individual mandate “unrelated,” it's no wonder the only answer
you're left with is the individual mandate.
though he's dismissive and myopic, seeking to limit the debate over
health care to WhatDoWeDoAboutJoeComa?, the costs
of the U.S. health care system are hugely relevant. And huge.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Anarchy and Ometepe
“I think they're sexual deviants,” my traveling companion said, leaning over a fruit salad at breakfast.
The not unexpected comment came after a
night of alternately delightful and terrifying conversation with a
couple who, over the course of three liters of Toña
– Spanish for “Bud Light” – explained that they
were in Nicaragua to swab frogs (for science, not pleasure). And that
they had been more or less locked up in a ranger's station on the
side of Ometepe's Volcan Maderas for the past six months with next to
contact with anyone who spoke their language.
Which was Dutch. They spoke Dutch. They
were Dutch people.
deviance, including a horrifically detailed discussion of what
perhaps happened to Eva Perón's missing
corpse? Explained. Left unresolved: whether the
tale of a traveling Frenchman they met who got high smoking Mexican
scorpion tails and decidedly poisonous secretions from the frogs they were
swabbing had any basis in truth. I like to think that it did.
You meet a lot of interesting people in
Nicaragua, from die-hard Sandinistas who fought as child soldiers
during the 1979 revolution against the U.S.-backed Somoza
dictatorship to the aforementioned couple from Holland in the country
to track down an apparently deadly, amphibian-based fungus. Oh, there
are boors too. In the beach town of San Juan del Sur, you'll have to
put up with the pressed-at-an-Abercrombie-factory bros and a few
nausea-inducing, not-a-word-of-Spanish-speaking in town only to pick
up a young Latin hunny, under-age if they can manage it. And in
Grenada, a city burnt down 150 years ago by an asshole American, you
can find his modern-day successors and the prostitutes and signs
saying “no dogs” – and don't give money to the homeless kids –
that they've brought with them.
Refreshingly, the Ugly Expat is not to
be found in tranquil Ometepe, the pot-smoking “ex-CIA” man I met
there last time the one possible exception. A tropical volcanic island located
an hour's ferry ride out in Nicaragua's Lake Cocibolca, Central
America's largest, Ometepe is lush year-round, with Quetzals and
Howler monkeys filling the vacuum left by the lack of loud bars and
nightclubs . The last time I was there, the active volcano that makes
up the more populous and developed northern half of the island,
Volcan Concepción,
almost – in a complete dick move -- killed me after by
tour-guide-who-wasn't forgot how to get back down from its
sulfur-spewing crater. Fun times!
My trip to the island this time around
didn't result in any near-death experiences, sad to say, but I did
get to leave the main port town to the see the rest of the place,
spending most of my time at the base of Volcan Maderas, the inactive
volcano that forms the much-less traveled southern half of the
island, where nice paved streets turn into Oregon Trail-style,
boulder-filled “roads” barely navigable by SUV. While I did spend
one day biking out to the Ojo de Agua, a man-made lagoon filled with
volcanic water that felt like swimming in a pool of Perrier, most of
my time was spent at a hostel on the grounds of Finca Magdalena, a
cooperative coffee farm that 28 local families expropriated from
their wealthy, absentee landlord during the early years of Sandinista
rule. A stately, century-old wooden house at the center of the estate, the hostel is surrounded by beautiful gardens full of butterflies of all colors and provides hammocks so you can lay around and watch them, which isn't a bad way to spend a day; if I were dying, I'm pretty sure I'd like to do it here. It's also the chief source of income for the coop these days, which might surprise you when beds go for just $3 a night.
anarcho-syndicalist credentials? Bolstered.
what you will about the Sandinistas today – I've met many a former
member disenchanted with the party's drift towards neoliberalism and
the personalty cult that's formed around its leader and Nicaraguan
President Daniel Ortega – the party did institute several
much-needed reforms upon taking power after the 1979 revolution,
chief among them the redistribution of the country's land, the
majority of which was in the hands of the ruling Somoza family and
its cronies. It's that revolutionary reform, taking land from wealthy
and politically-connected land owners and handing it to the poor
peasant farms from whom it was originally stolen, that seems to have
had the most visible lasting impact on the country today; it's also
the one that helped spur the Reagan administration to fund and arm a
right-wing insurgency that left 50,000 Nicaraguans dead over the
course of the 1980s. It's that reform that made Finca Magdalena and
thousands of other coops possible.
redistribution was a major issue not just for the FSLN, but for the
man the party's named after: Augusto Sandino, an
anarcho-syndicalist rebel leader made infamous for refusing to
accept the legitimacy of the U.S. occupation of Nicaragua in the
1930s; he was ultimately martyred by the first in a 40-year line of
U.S.-backed dictators from the Somoza family, making him a tragic
hero not unlike Emiliano Zapata in Mexico – a man who died for his
principles rather than conveniently compromise them for political
the popular red-and-black
flag used by the FSLN today is none other than a slightly
modified version of the red-and-black
flag of anarcho-syndicalism that Sandino hoisted 80 years ago .
As one would expect of a ruling government party, however, the colors
have been stripped of their original meaning, no longer signifying
“syndicalism” (red) nor, obviously, “anarchism” (black), but
rather “blood” and “death.” And that makes sense: as a
political party defined not but its eradication of state power, but
by its capture of it, its leaders wouldn't want to be bound by any
actual principles and political concepts that might be seem at odds
with their penchant for centralized power; the more vapid, pliable
notion of “sacrifice” will do just fine, thank you.
the reasons for the co-option would soon become clear after the
Sandinistas took over. Rather than maintain strict fidelity to the
principles of the man whose name they adopted as their own and simply
hand over land to poor farmers, the FSLN chose to install a state
intermediary to administer the land. According to the operators of
Finca Magdalena, it wasn't until the early 1990s that their land was
legally recognized as an independent cooperative; before that, when
the land was held by the Sandinista government, “the
members' lives did not improve.”
With little
apparent help from the government outside of the original land
reform, which ultimately only removed the threat of state violence
should local farmers reclaim that which was rightfully theirs, the
Finca Magdalena coop has managed to raise the standard of living of
not just the families who run it, but the surrounding community.
Their livelihood, as far as I can tell, isn't dependent on the
benevolence of politicians or capitalists. While the country is
nominally socialist, there are next to no signs of government
involvement on the island to begin with; on the south side where the
coop is located, there's not even much in the way of infrastructure.
life is a simple life – and a largely self-sufficient one. There
aren't any flat-screen TVs. There's no Internet, outside of a few
And there's not much if anything to do once the sun goes down. But
people seem happy. And why not? They live on some of the most fertile
land in Central America on an island made up of two beautiful
volcanoes. If you want some food, you grow it or catch it from the
lake. If you're bored you play baseball or go swimming. You watch a
sunset. Who the hell needs HBO?
Of course, there
are no doubt problems that I as a glib, know-it-all gringo backpacker
am not going to pick up on. But in contrast to some places I've lived
– North Philly comes to mind – the people here, though poor, seem
content with their place in life, none of the visible brutishness of
daily violence that characterizes a lot of major cities. Largely left
alone, with absolutely no police presence in the more rural
communities, meaning 95 percent of the island, the people of Ometepe
in a lot of ways show the possibilities of working together
collectively toward a common goal, rather than acting as the atomized
capitalistic competitors that a lot of conservatives and libertarians
appear to see as the only sane alternative to statism.
Whoa now, I hear
you say. Let's talk about the pot-smoking CIA guy, not all this
oh-glorious-syndicalism talk, crazy anarchist guy. And don't let
ideology blind you, silly: Have the people abolished the state? Has
capitalism been eradicated? Has a glorious workers paradise been
established? Have the means of producing reggaetone been seized and
destroyed for the good of the proletariat? Well, no, not exactly. But
anarchy isn't just a utopian end goal, dear reader. It's a mundane
Whenever people
work together cooperatively without the need for coercion, that's
anarchy in action. Twenty-eight families collectively working the
same farm for their mutual benefit? That, my friends, is anarchy; a
small window into a world where peoples lives are bases on consensus
and cooperation, no coercion. And it's why I think every decent
person ought to be anarchist. Hear me out: While we can argue and
bicker over how to get to anarchtopia, or how long it might take or
the details of who will deliver the mail and make sure the neighbor
kid stays off your lawn, why shouldn't every person's goal be a
society that minimizes the use of violence? Go ahead, say pure
anarchy is unworkable, incompatible with human nature – to which
I'd rejoin that governments with their mass murdering wars and
nuclear weapons seem to be incompatible with human kind – shouldn't
we at least strive to create a society that minimizes the use of
violence to the greatest extent possible?
Anarchism is not
about Molotov cocktails and car bombs, it's about cooperation; it's
about order built from the bottom up, rather than imposed from the
top down. And the people at the bottom have to want it for it to
succeed. An anarchist society, if it is ever to come about, won't be
the result of a mere political revolution like in Egypt or Libya,
where the institutions of power are maintained, just staffed with
different people. It will come from a social revolution -- from
creating a society of anarchists who reject the notion of coercive
power and the use of violence as a means of material and political
gain. It will come from people coming to see, like the families of
Finca Magadalena, the empowerment that comes from voluntary
collectivism and from learning to appreciate the wisdom of devolving
power from states and presidents to communities and individuals.
Already, most
people reject the use of violence not because the government tells
them that, say, murder is bad, but because they believe in their
hearts it is wrong. It's why the vast majority of people don't ever
kill anyone. It's how places like Ometepe, and most of the rest of
the world, frankly, exist in harmony without the need for a uniformed
officer with a handgun and a Taser on every corner.
The next step, and
it's an admittedly difficult one that won't happen overnight, is
convincing a critical mass of people that violence isn't just wrong
in their personal life, but in their political life too. Murder by
proxy – murder by politician – is just as evil as if you
personally bashed an Afghan child's head open with a rock. Don't
support and don't enable it. And that means rejecting the idea that
any person or institution can or should claim a monopoly on the
“legitimate” use of violence.
For a more
cooperative society to succeed, people will also have to develop
faith in themselves and in a world without leaders. And they'll need
to know that anarchism isn't an ideology for some far-off utopia, but
something they already take for granted in their own lives, whether
its working at a coop like the one in Ometepe, helping out at a soup kitchen or just not
killing that pesky neighbor kid when you know the police aren't
Put it like that,
and I think you might be surprised how many anarchists there are –
and how many acts of anarchy you commit everyday.
the next installment, I get slightly less preachy and write about
watching a stray dog chew on a horse's leg in the center of León,

Deep thoughts
blasts fox's corporate bias and deference to power // friends msnbc on facebook
becomes congressman, blames
presidential power // becomes president, blames congressional power
mars volta's biggest fan // who's at
the drive-in?
says 24-hour cable news is ruining
america // is watching 24-hour cable news
fiercely proud of white culture //
thinks shakespeare's 'gay'
food is too hot // keeps eating
bored all the time // bores all the time
impeach bush // reelect obama
fears homosexual agenda, bashes queers
// well gee, i wonder
finds porn degrading // watches porn
because of it
hates annoying upper-class hipsters //
is annoying upper-class hipster
loathes preachy evangelicals // is
2.3 million prisoners, none of them
presidents // 'with liberty and justice for all'
wishes there were more real world activism
// RT if you agree
opposes western imperialism // next
adolf hitler
commits crimes against humanity // well
it depends
Monday, September 12, 2011
US Army's 'Soldiers' magazine lies to soldiers
I can't say I expected the U.S. Army to declare "Bush Lied, People Died," on the cover of its Very Special 9/11 Tenth Anniversary Collector's Edition in-house magazine, Soldiers, nor for it to include an introductory essay from Noam Chomsky on how political elites manufacture consent for endless war and empire. I'm an idealist not, as some might credibly contend, an idiot.
To my surprise, though, the last line of defense between god-fearing Americans and the Soviet/Chinese/Islamic/Beiber hordes did do a pretty capable job detailing the lies the Bush administration told an admittedly gullible and blood-thirsty nation in orde sell a war against Iraq that, conservatively, killed more than 100,000 people. It's just unfortunate they didn't tell any of their readers they were lies.
Here, for instance, is how the U.S. Army recounts the events immediately following the September 11 attacks:
Well, now. Where to begin? Just six little sentences packed with so much disinformation.
Let's start with the claim that one of the 9/11 hijackers, Mohammed Atta, was trained at a facility in Iraq, an allegation the Army helpfully notes was disseminated by Iraqi defectors -- meaning the Iraqi National Congress, Ahmed Chalabi's group, which was of course agitating for war under the hope its members would be installed as Iraq's new leaders. As PBS' Frontline notes, "there has been no verification of the [defectors'] account of the activities at Salman Pak. In fact, U.S. officials have now concluded that Salman Pak was most likely used to train Iraqi counter-terrorism units in anti-hijacking techniques."
Okay, so that one's bullshit claim down for the count. Next!
Let's examine the claim about the meeting in the Czech Republic, the one the official voice of the Army confidently states was "later verified." What does the 9/11 Commission Report, the official view of the U.S. government, have to say about that? It's interesting, really: "No evidence has been found that Atta was in the Czech Republic in April 2001," the time of the alleged -- no, verified! -- meeting (p. 228). Where was he? "The FBI has gathered evidence indicating that Atta was in Virginia Beach . . . and in Coral Springs, Florida." Whoops!
But what of the claim about Saddam and Osama hanging out at Muslim poker night shootin' the shit over how best to defeat America? Let's go back to the 9/11 Commission and look at what it has to say about ties between al-Qaeda and Iraq: "We have seen no evidence . . . [of a] collaborative operational relationship. Nor have we seen evidence indicating that Iraq cooperated with al Qaeda in developing or carrying out any attacks against the United States" (p. 66). Whoops again!
Besides the Bush administration lies the Army forgets to tell its readers are lies, we are also presented a timeline of the events leading up to the March 2003 invasion. Events like this one:
And, Soldiers magazine? What did they find? Can you tell us? Oooh, I bet they totally found the WMDs, didn't they? Guess we'll never know.
My favorite part, however, is this:
Whose intelligence estimates, U.S. Army? And how and why were they "increased"? Better leave that one ambiguous.
Alright, I've been bit a bit hard on the Army's writer-warriors. I acknowledge this. And I acknowledge that they're only doing their propagandizing jobs and that we "should support [them] . . . unconditionally because their service is unconditional." My bad. So let me at least give the writers of the prestigious Soldiers magazine some credit for letting us know Why We Fight in this item from their 2009 timeline:
To my surprise, though, the last line of defense between god-fearing Americans and the Soviet/Chinese/Islamic/Beiber hordes did do a pretty capable job detailing the lies the Bush administration told an admittedly gullible and blood-thirsty nation in orde sell a war against Iraq that, conservatively, killed more than 100,000 people. It's just unfortunate they didn't tell any of their readers they were lies.
Here, for instance, is how the U.S. Army recounts the events immediately following the September 11 attacks:
Well, now. Where to begin? Just six little sentences packed with so much disinformation.
Let's start with the claim that one of the 9/11 hijackers, Mohammed Atta, was trained at a facility in Iraq, an allegation the Army helpfully notes was disseminated by Iraqi defectors -- meaning the Iraqi National Congress, Ahmed Chalabi's group, which was of course agitating for war under the hope its members would be installed as Iraq's new leaders. As PBS' Frontline notes, "there has been no verification of the [defectors'] account of the activities at Salman Pak. In fact, U.S. officials have now concluded that Salman Pak was most likely used to train Iraqi counter-terrorism units in anti-hijacking techniques."
Okay, so that one's bullshit claim down for the count. Next!
Let's examine the claim about the meeting in the Czech Republic, the one the official voice of the Army confidently states was "later verified." What does the 9/11 Commission Report, the official view of the U.S. government, have to say about that? It's interesting, really: "No evidence has been found that Atta was in the Czech Republic in April 2001," the time of the alleged -- no, verified! -- meeting (p. 228). Where was he? "The FBI has gathered evidence indicating that Atta was in Virginia Beach . . . and in Coral Springs, Florida." Whoops!
But what of the claim about Saddam and Osama hanging out at Muslim poker night shootin' the shit over how best to defeat America? Let's go back to the 9/11 Commission and look at what it has to say about ties between al-Qaeda and Iraq: "We have seen no evidence . . . [of a] collaborative operational relationship. Nor have we seen evidence indicating that Iraq cooperated with al Qaeda in developing or carrying out any attacks against the United States" (p. 66). Whoops again!
Besides the Bush administration lies the Army forgets to tell its readers are lies, we are also presented a timeline of the events leading up to the March 2003 invasion. Events like this one:
And, Soldiers magazine? What did they find? Can you tell us? Oooh, I bet they totally found the WMDs, didn't they? Guess we'll never know.
My favorite part, however, is this:
Whose intelligence estimates, U.S. Army? And how and why were they "increased"? Better leave that one ambiguous.
Alright, I've been bit a bit hard on the Army's writer-warriors. I acknowledge this. And I acknowledge that they're only doing their propagandizing jobs and that we "should support [them] . . . unconditionally because their service is unconditional." My bad. So let me at least give the writers of the prestigious Soldiers magazine some credit for letting us know Why We Fight in this item from their 2009 timeline:
Friday, September 09, 2011
The real death panel
Over at AlterNet (chuckle), Medea Benjamin and I note that the so-called "Super Committee" tasked with slashing federal spending -- including, we're told, spending on empire -- is composed of Congress' most reliable defenders of the military-industrial complex. The committee co-chair, Washington Democrat Patty Murray, is even openly campaigning for another term, not on the basis her long career of service on behalf the public (another chuckle -- no, belly laugh), but on behalf of Boeing.
Check it out. Or if you don't feel like sending AlterNet traffic or would prefer a different font, go read it at
Check it out. Or if you don't feel like sending AlterNet traffic or would prefer a different font, go read it at
Thursday, September 08, 2011
Pastor Proudhon
"[I]f you've got a clergyperson preaching anarchy, do you really think the police department shouldn't try to send somebody and listen and see if they're trying to foment a riot? You can't wait till the riot's on the streets."
-- New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg
Update: Turns out that, according to The New York Times, there at least used to be "Sunday Schools That Teach Children Anarchy" (exclamation point implied).
Wednesday, September 07, 2011
Casualties of America's less casual violence
"American foreign policy is much less casually violent than it was during the Vietnam War."
(An Iraqi child thanks U.S. soldiers for being deadly serious when they killed her parents.)
Deaths from Sanctions Against Iraq
(Source: UNICEF/World Bank)
Infant Mortality Rate, after the U.S. embargo (1999): 131 per 1000 live births
Maternal Morality Rate, prior to the U.S. embargo (1990): 117 deaths for every hundred thousand births
Maternal Morality Rate in Iraq, after the U.S. embargo (1998): 294 deaths for every hundred thousand births (one-third of all female deaths)
Per capita income, prior to the U.S. embargo (1989): $3,510
Per capita income, after the U.S. embargo (1996): $450
Overall child deaths due to the embargo: ~500,000. "[As of 1999] [c]hildren under 5 years of age are dying at more than twice the rate they were ten years ago."
U.S. Secretary of State Madeline Albright:
Iraqis Killed As Result of 2003 Invasion (*)
Iraqi Body Count: 102,416 -- 111,937
U.S. Government: 104,111
Lancet Medical Journal (March 2003 to June 2006): 601,027 -- 654,965
Opinion Business Research: 1,033,000
Civilian Deaths in Afghanistan
Initial Invasion: 3,000 -- 3,400
On One Day in August 2009: 140, with 93 of them children
Civilian Deaths from Drone Strikes in Pakistan
New America Foundation: 293 -- 471
Brookings Institution (July 2009): >600 ("That number suggests that for every militant killed, 10 or so civilians also died.")
Pakistani Government (2009): Average of 58 per month, >700 per year
Pakistani Government (2009): Average of 58 per month, >700 per year
Deaths in Other Random Wars We Barely Acknowledge Exist
Cluster Bomb Strike in Yemen (December 17, 2009): 41 civilians, including 14 women and 21 children
Proxy War in Somalia: 16,210 and counting
Proxy War in Somalia: 16,210 and counting
Number of Fucks Given by a Certain Think Progress Blogger
(*Supported by Matt Yglesias)

¡Con Fabio!
This is Fabio Gadea, a 79-year-old radio businessman campaigning against the incumbent Daniel Ortega to be the next president of Nicaragua:
Running on the ticket of a splinter conservative political party, Gadea's odds of winning are rather slim, especially in light of the FSLN's huge institutional advantage -- the country is decked out in the Sandinista's red and black flag (co-opted, interestingly enough, from the anarcho-syndicalists) -- and the fact a former president and fellow conservative is also running, splitting the opposition vote. Given this stark reality, how can a man nearly eight decades old appeal to voters in a country with one of the youngest populations in the Western Hemisphere?
With this, his official campaign song. It might sound familiar:
I've never been a fan of the Black Eyed Peas, but even I didn't believe they could cause so much harm -- not just to music, but to global politics.
Photo Credit: Tico Times
Running on the ticket of a splinter conservative political party, Gadea's odds of winning are rather slim, especially in light of the FSLN's huge institutional advantage -- the country is decked out in the Sandinista's red and black flag (co-opted, interestingly enough, from the anarcho-syndicalists) -- and the fact a former president and fellow conservative is also running, splitting the opposition vote. Given this stark reality, how can a man nearly eight decades old appeal to voters in a country with one of the youngest populations in the Western Hemisphere?
With this, his official campaign song. It might sound familiar:
I've never been a fan of the Black Eyed Peas, but even I didn't believe they could cause so much harm -- not just to music, but to global politics.
Photo Credit: Tico Times
Ever hear of the Seattle Seven?
Jamie Kirchick, a former writer for The New Republic who now works for the U.S. government's Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, for some reason looked me up on Twitter today and took issue with my bio:
I think it's safe to say Kirchick, last seen around these parts inadvertently accusing Barack Obama of defending the Trinity and the doctrine of transubstantiation, probably doesn't read IOZ.
(Psst: for those who don't get it.)
I think it's safe to say Kirchick, last seen around these parts inadvertently accusing Barack Obama of defending the Trinity and the doctrine of transubstantiation, probably doesn't read IOZ.
(Psst: for those who don't get it.)
Tuesday, September 06, 2011
'Hello, is it me you're looking for?'
Disclaimer: The following post, every word of which is true, contains imagery that some may find disturbing. Parental discretion is advised.
(Scene: Bus ride from Managua to Rivas, Nicaragua. Driver puts on DVD containing two hours worth of 1980s American rock ballads and other love songs.)
“God damn it," I cry. "First an hour of Jesus rock en español, now this shit.”
First video plays. Staring ahead, expressionless, I feel nothing.
Five minutes pass. Foot twitches. I put a stop to it. REO Speedwagon plays. Foot is now tapping, uncontrollably. I can't fight this feeling anymore. Fuck.
Ten more minutes pass.
♬ “More than words is all you have to do to make it real. Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me. 'Cause I'd already know.” ♬
I'm now humming. I'm fucking humming. No, more than that that: I'm mouthing the words.
Phil Collins starts playing. *(Ed. note: Due to its graphic nature, this section has been removed.)*
An hour into the DVD, the worst is now behind us. Or is it?
“Hello,” a lone voice calls out, “is it me you're looking for?”
My eyes are tearing up now. “Ugh, these contacts,” I mutter under my breath. “Allergies.”
I reach my destination, full of shame and self-loathing. And Lionel Richie's voice.
(This post composed in a pink notebook with a broken heart and the word “feelings” on the cover.)
(Scene: Bus ride from Managua to Rivas, Nicaragua. Driver puts on DVD containing two hours worth of 1980s American rock ballads and other love songs.)
“God damn it," I cry. "First an hour of Jesus rock en español, now this shit.”
First video plays. Staring ahead, expressionless, I feel nothing.
Five minutes pass. Foot twitches. I put a stop to it. REO Speedwagon plays. Foot is now tapping, uncontrollably. I can't fight this feeling anymore. Fuck.
Ten more minutes pass.
♬ “More than words is all you have to do to make it real. Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me. 'Cause I'd already know.” ♬
I'm now humming. I'm fucking humming. No, more than that that: I'm mouthing the words.
Phil Collins starts playing. *(Ed. note: Due to its graphic nature, this section has been removed.)*
An hour into the DVD, the worst is now behind us. Or is it?
“Hello,” a lone voice calls out, “is it me you're looking for?”
My eyes are tearing up now. “Ugh, these contacts,” I mutter under my breath. “Allergies.”
I reach my destination, full of shame and self-loathing. And Lionel Richie's voice.
(This post composed in a pink notebook with a broken heart and the word “feelings” on the cover.)
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