Sunday, October 16, 2011

Obama 2016!

This, from a man currently attempting to refashion himself as a leader of The Resistance:

I don't know about you, but it certainly seems to me that Jones is more in the business of giving blows than taking them.


  1. Obama-rama!!! Get excited!
    At least you ain't hear to see it everyday.

  2. I wondered how long it would take someone to broach the topic of the 2 term limit.

  3. I suppose the next step would just be to declare Obama dictator-for-life and suggest that he peacefully enforce his rule with predator drone strikes on GOP headquarters.

  4. Jones is another Obot who ignores the Constitution now that his guy in The Office (link intended). I wouldn't be surprised if someone trotted out an argument that "those Amendments in the twentieth century aren't really part of the Constitution. It's more of a suggestion than the supreme law of the land. I mean, since 2009, we've been a nation of a man, right?"

  5. you ain't lyin', Charles.

  6. That is a fine example of why I don't Twitter, so I don't have to deal with words like "PragObots" in my life.

  7. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Isn't Jones supposed to be some sort of communist revolutionary? That is what Glenn Beck told me!

    Seriously though, who is going to get really excited over Obama this time around? I can understand voting for the "lesser of two evils" but excitement?

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