Thursday, January 14, 2010

From Heritage's lips to Obama's ear

The Heritage Foundation yesterday:
The U.S. government response should be bold and decisive. It must mobilize U.S. civilian and military capabilities for short-term rescue and relief and long-term recovery and reform. President Obama should tap high-level, bipartisan leadership. Clearly former President Clinton, who was already named as the U.N. envoy on Haiti, is a logical choice. President Obama should also reach out to a senior Republican figure, perhaps former President George W. Bush, to lead the bipartisan effort for the Republicans.
The news today:
President Obama has tapped George W. Bush, a prime target of Democratic criticism during the presidential campaign for his response to Hurricane Katrina, to help lead Haiti relief efforts in the aftermath of the earthquake that devastated the country two days ago.
Bush will join up with former President Bill Clinton, who is also the United Nations special envoy for Haiti.

1 comment:

  1. Uncle Tom rescues man child from obscurity--how charming.
